Saturday, October 5, 2013

You've got to MAXIMIZE!

Hello BWBers!

One day in prayer, God brought a word to my attention...MAXIMIZE. According to Miriam-Webster Dictionary Online, the word maximize means to increase (something) as much as possible : to increase (something) to a maximum. : to use (something) in a way that will get the best result. 

God gives us seeds that we can turn into entire harvests! However, sometimes we don't see  what our seed can potentially become in the fullness of time so we neglect it, put it under our pillow or even throw it away.

 God wants us to maximize our seed from the onset. What do you have in your hand or in your heart? What gift, talent, proclivity, interest, or passion consumes you? Do you work a 9-5? These are a couple of places where your seed may come from. Use your seed to glorify God and bless people. In doing so, you are actually sowing your seed. The seed will bear fruit and give you more seed!!! Ain't that awesome! You will reap the fruit from the seed you've sown. Enjoy the fruit but don't be so quick to throw away the seed!!! Sow again. Trust again. Believe again. Wait Again. Reap Again. It's a cycle! 

Maximize the seed, give God thanks for the fruit and then turn right around and maximize the seed you've gained from the fruit. God is wonderful and he has created a wonderful, cyclical 
plan for provision. It's all in the seed. Maximize!

Jubilee Mosley

Monday, September 9, 2013

What Readers Are Saying About Believers with Benefits!!!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What's in your hand? Let me encourage you...:-)

Sometimes we overlook the simplest things in life forgetting that that's about all God needs in order to do what He does in our lives. A Godly idea, a willing heart and faith that what you have is "good enough" to make something great! What's in your hand? What dream or idea do you have in your hand or in your heart? Well don't just sit there...act on it, pray on it, breathe on it, plant it, water it and wait for God to bring the increase. Don't worry about the other people around you who seemingly have more to give. Each and every one of us has been given a measure of gifts and talents to bless God and the world with. Get up and put your hands to the plow. Your hands are filled with great purpose and destiny!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Links to purchase Believers with Benefits: Tithing Testimonies

Official Release Date of Believers With Benefits...Stay Tuned!

It's been almost two years since I started the journey of putting my life experiences into this book called Believers with Benefits. I am excited to finally be at this point. I am in awe of the Lord and how he will take whatever you have in your hand and in your heart and use it for good; not only so that we can BE blessed but so that we can bless others. What is in your hand? For what ever it is is a seed. Find a way to sow your seed into good ground. Plant it, water it and watch God give the increase. He always will. Thank you for your ongoing support and for sticking with me throughout this journey. Let me know how the book "Believers with Benefits: Tithing Testimonies has blessed your life.

Grateful and Blessed,


Monday, July 1, 2013

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Thought that Counts?

I am blessed to be a blessing. I know this. That doesn't mean it's always easy. The thing that keeps me faithful in giving is just knowing that I can't beat God at it. I could never out-give him or overpay Him...never.  Giving (not just money) causes well-wishes, thoughts and the like to become tangible. Giving turns mere thoughts into actions. Giving is a part of my life and I have so many testimonies to remind me to keep it there and to hold it in high regards because love inspires me to give. 

How about you?  Has anyone ever turned a thought into a heartfelt gesture? Do you have any giving or tithing testimonies that reminded you of how much God cares for you? I'd love to hear 'em! 

Until next time,


*Believers with Benefits coming soon:-)